Published: August 24, 2020

Laminating at speed: Our Machines At Work

Our print workshop is regularly firing on all cylinders with a range of finishing jobs in various stages of completion. Recently, we decided to capture a large laminating job for a client. Once the sheets are laminated, they are either palletised and sent to the customer for distribution, or in the case of book covers, they will be stitched with the rest of the pages that will make up the book.

Sit back and watch the video below of our Autobond laminator hard at work. This machine is capable of producing around 5000 sheets per hour. That's a lot for us to capture and collate! In the video, it is adding a double-sided matt lamination to the sheets, before cutting to the correct size and organising all the completed sheets neatly for us to complete the finising process, package the job and distribute to the client.

What other videos would you like to see us cover? If you have any suggestions or a specific finishing job you wish to discuss with us, then give us a call on 01903 812373 or get in touch with us via our Contact Us page and we'll happily discuss with you.


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